Wednesday, 21 April 2010

I'm like the ringleader, I call the shots,


so this is my attempt at actually doing an assignment on time and when i am supposed to do it, instead of doing it 12 hours before it's due in.
(none of this happened today, ive been at my parents all day. having a manicure and buying sweets. which made me happy.)
Ive branched out?! oh yes, i am now an event manager.
so yeah, we have to put together this 5 day festival full of educational and fun things for people who cant speak english.
sound hard?
i had LOADDSSS of things to put down here, and now i cant remember any of it.
ill post more tomorrow, im really tired and have to commute into Manchester on the train tomorrow.
night everyone.


come for the music, stay for the fun.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

It's 6am on sunday morning and i have some truths to tell.

Good Morning.
Please disregard anything i have ever said. It has been a lie. a complete and utter lie. and i am sorry for lying to you.

FIRSTLY. this blog has been for the purpose of an assignment and now it isnt. please do not go and look up winterlong, they are terrible. and teriffically useless and unreliable.
i finished the essay on thursday and usually the best bit about finishing an essay is putting the word count at the end, not with this one. the best bit about this one was dropping the band and hopefully having no contact with them ever again, good luck to them i say, 7 years and waiting guys.
7 years.
here are some of the real things that you should know about the music industry.
ONE: lie. seriously. my teacher told me this one. it is easier to lie about ti all, like when your doing PR, Promotions or general pimping. it is easier to lie.
take this sentence: Winterlong are waiting for gigs in manchester and are currently in talks about up coming reviews.
now take this one: Winterlong are due to headline manchester venue SUB61 this week and have just secured several reviews in blog and publications nationally.
which one sounds better? the second one, of course, is the lie. Winterlong havent got jack shit.

SECONDLY: the music industry may as well just say BAA. they are all sheep. thats the worst part. One goes, the others follow. HOWEVER. at the moment, what with record sales going down and the music industry facing a change it is not yet ready for the sheep just do not want to move.
its a simple as looking at a field.
The music industry needs to start taking risks.
now, i know that the music industry has not been hit that hard by all the credit crunch mess that has happened, but it has been affected and somehow it needs to adapt to all of this. Its as simple as this.
you cannot get a job if you have no experience, but you cant get experience without a job. the music industry is much the same and there is not a set way to actually get noticed, it is simply a case of right place, right time and a huge amount of luck.
The book 'Kill Your Friends', about the A&R process puts it very well and, even though it is fictional, it says alot of very well put truth about the music industry. 'There is no formula, no way of knowing if what we do is right, we only have to hope that the general public like it, and then we can relax. for a while.
At my paying job a couple of months ago i was talking to the former promotions manager for the famous Manchester nightclub the Hacienda and he told me that you have to have an ultimate goal, he asked me what was mine. I told him that i wanted to make it easier for women to not only make it in the industry, but overcome prejudice.
THIRD: The glass ceiling exists. its not as bad as it used to be. but it is still there. i may be a little feminist about most things but really, this is not my feminist dig at men in power. i respect a great many men who were and are in power, but i can draw on this from personal experience. The industry is a very testosterone driven thing. There is still hope yet though girls, dont go burning your bra and sucking every cock yet. women in men dominated industries tend to be driven, and more hard working than our male counter parts. its true. a man told me. this is because we want it more, and honestly, i thing the cocksucking career woman is now reserved for trashy novels only.
we have power. where it counts now.
maybe its time we used it?

FOUR: dont accept anything less than the most professional. dont ever take on a band that are not professional about what they do. if they treat it like a hobby then why do they have a manager, if they are not going to give it their all then why are they wasting your time? and if you know this then why are you wasting yours?
and if you are in a band then please...dont ever waste the time of someone doing you an unpaid favor, you will just upset alot of people along the way. be professional and give it 100%, always.

FIVE: the best song is always the last one written. The former manager of the strokes told me this one. if the best song is the first one written then people will believe that the band, or you for that matter may be one hit wonders.

SIX: music does trend, to an extent. but you cannot know where music is going untill you know where it has been. study music history. pick up a book that will teach you something.

SEVEN: LEARN TO READ AND WRITE MUSIC. AND I MEAN NOTATION. i am sick of people calling themselves musicians when they do not know what an E Minor and A minor chord is. you are not a musican untill you know what the names are.

EIGHT: thicken your skin. When someone hits you, get up and do it again and again and again, and then maybe one day you wont fall down. ALSO get some fucking balls. no one will believe in you untill you believe in yourself.

More Soon. night night.

Come for the music, Stay for the fun.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

7am on sunday morning is the best time to post a blog

I'm taking a break from working, i swear.
Good Morning everyone, welcome to Treble Clef if your new here. thanks for coming.
please read this with a cup of coffee, its that time in limbo between me going to sleep and the rest of the world getting up.

so im working on the mailing list for Winterlong.

ive finished pimping now.
I found this ace site. its a site that catalogs blogs/reviews etc. go to it basically tells you a bit about the blogs. theres a search bar at the top, i looked for 'heavy metal' and it gave me 500 ish blogs, half of them were in different languages (one of them looked like it was written in viking)
go check it out, it saved me about 2 hours in search time.

so yeah, im just working on the mailing list for the lucky people who get to receive a fun email from me that basically shamelessly pimps the band.

Ive basically given up on them though after they told me it was a no to playing sub 61.
what else did i do this week?
ive basically just added to the mailing list. i spoke to danni @ Quenched Unsigned. hes a very nice man, gave me a number for a scotish label who i am to call on monday.

this is not finished, ill do it in class tomorrow.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

'If its not ment to come out, then dont force it out!'

happy Easter kids.
please nom nom on easter egg while you read this.
i would love to start this post and say 'YES, i have done loads this week'. however, in work terms i really haven't. i have a had a personally happy week, and i have greatly enjoyed it.
I'm not lazy, i promise. i have done some work.

okay, so. here is your most favorite bit.

I sat down with a mac on Thursday night and tried to get my head around HTML. now, i can navigate myself around HTML, but the bastardized version used by MySpace, not the real one. i sat there for ages, honestly, just trying to work it out. Like every 14 year old i loved tinkering around with the genetics of my Myspace page and took great pride when i found a code generator that would enable me to get rid of my comment box and music player (your on my page! you should listen to the music i like), however web has changed and now we have a new and shiny version.
mmmm 2.0
I guess MySpace bastardized this version as a kind of ceremony, 'we ballsed up the first, we may as well balls up the second'.
so, after finding out that
wasn't going to change my line at all when everything that i wrote on the page just ended up being onnee biiigg paaarrraaggrraaapphh i decided to call my friend daffodill, who could practically speak HTML in normal, everyday conversations.
so i found out that its
at the end the sentance that will start another.
silly 2.0
i know that as a very long explanation for a sentence that could have just been 'i learnt how to use HTML' but if i said that you would be really bored and my blogs wouldn't be as beefy and impressive as they are now. :)
so then i redid the bands myspace as it was all white and you couldnt navigate anywhere. and then i put a press pack together, however the band i happen to manage are actually kinda unreliable.
my memory stick is a little fried, and all the audio for the press packs was on there, so now i have SHINY EXCITING press pack without the most important thing.
i made a band facebook and twitter. neither of which have any friends.
poor lonely winterlong.
to add clickky and for facebook search Winterlong.
thanks. :)
and thats all i did this week actually.

bye bye

Come for the music, stay for the fun.