Friday, 26 November 2010

'Mother Fucking Crew'

'God Bless Us Everyone
We Were Broken People Living Under Loaded Gun
And It Can't Be Out Far
It Can't Be Out Done
It Can't Be Out Matched
It Can't Be Out Run'

Linkin Park - The Catalyst

Its been a while hasn't it? its 4:34am on a Saturday morning, i have work muuuchhh later today and today, my trademark blonde hair has gone, put in its place by a directions dye called 'fire'. I was feeling a little childlike. this was the outcome.

i feel like me again, so that's all that counts. I have just found the album A Thousand Suns by Linkin Park and my god, its an emotional journey. there are songs that are depressing things, there are songs that make you feel a million miles tall and there are songs that make me glad I'm in love.

To get you up to date with what I've been up to lately i shall let you peek at my to do list.

  • Find Uni professors and email them a pretty please let me on your course
  • construct UCAS application
  • 1000 words for self directed project
  • 700 words for tour management
  • conduct some actual research for self directed project
  • write some of the content for self directed project
(self directed project is basically a study hall. I've had to choose an idea and actually do it, now my idea involves journalism and I'm not really very good at that, but its basically a band advice and knowledge how to website thing. that's the basic idea. it sounds dumb even to write it down, and yes before you ask it was a morning without coffee that i came up with that idea)

so as you can see my main 3 conquests are: getting into uni for my 3rd year, doing an essay for self directed project and planning a (hypothetical) tour.

The tour is a little maybe-i-have-bitten-off-more-than-i-can-chew-here at the moment, but its getting there. I really enjoy it, so i want to do it right, at least i know I'm going to pass that one, which is good. I'm doing an east coast tour of America, starting at New York's Madison Square Gardens (Capacity 20,000) and ending at Miami's American Airlines Arena (capacity: 21,000). if i were actually doing the tour it would be shitting myself, but I'm not, I'm just planning every tiny aspect of the tour and not doing it. One of my favorite day dreams of the moment is finding out that i really will tour manage a tour as a big as the one i am planning.

Gosh, I've gotten this far and lost my writing bug. Don't you just hate that?

Maybe I'll just leave it at that and wit for the next writing Bug. I might go to bed.

Come for the music, stay for the fun.